FSSW runs the Bristol 10K

A group of supporters, volunteers, staff members and trustees will be running the Bristol 10K on May 13th, to raise vital funds for FareShare South West!

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebrations, we will be running to make this year our biggest yet- supporting more charities, community groups and primary schools than ever before! We want to raise as much as possible to reach our overall goal of £10,000. Help us reach our goal by donating to our JustGiving page here: https://www.justgiving.com/faresharesouthwest

Some of the team will be dressing as fruit for the occasion- so far we have an orange, a banana, a pea pod and a strawberry all ready to go. Watch out for a fruitbowl of FareShare South West runners on race day!

Over 3 million tonnes of the food that goes to waste each year is still edible

That’s enough for seven billion meals

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