Support us in the fight against hunger and food waste

Food poverty today is on the rise in our community. In Bristol alone, an estimated 69,400 people (16% of the population) cannot afford a balanced diet. The number of families relying on food parcels has grown alarmingly in recent years, and food poverty among children is worryingly high with increasing numbers of children depending on food provision from schools.

We think this is unacceptable, especially when so much food is going to waste.

Find out below how you can support us through donating money or services, fundraising for us or getting your company involved in what we do. Help us continue to provide schools, charities and community groups with the vital service of quality surplus food.

Every pound you donate helps us provide four meals for people in need across the South West.

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Donate today

Your gift will save good food from waste, while providing quality fresh food to those who need it most. Donate a single gift or …

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Fundraise for us

Right now, over 1 million people across the south west are living in poverty, while over 4 million tonnes of good-to-eat food is wasted …

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Partner with us

Corporate partnerships that make your company stand out We love collaborating with local South West companies who are as passionate about making a difference …

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Become a Food Friend

Help transform our broken food system long term. Become a Food Friend today.

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How to make the most of your JustGiving page

How to make the most of your JustGiving page

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FareShare is the only charity to take food from the wholesale level of the food industry

The vast majority of surplus occurs before food even gets to the supermarket. Each member of the FareShare network rescues that food and delivers it to those in need. FareShare Go is our supermarket collection service, which deals with supermarket-level surplus.

Find out more about what we do