Charity members

From our warehouses in Bristol and Plymouth, we deliver quality, in-date surplus food to over 400 charities across the South West. Thanks to our fantastic volunteers, we support organisations which give food to people who need it. We get food to a huge range of organisations, from homeless shelters to safe houses and from school breakfast clubs to elderly people’s lunch clubs. Take a look at the map below to see some of the charities, schools and community centres we deliver food to. Use the filter to sort by area or member type.

Please note: this map is updated regularly, but may not perfectly reflect every charity we support with food.

If you work for a charity, primary school or community group which could make good use of good food, take a look at our Get Food page to find out more.


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    FareShare is the only charity to take food from the wholesale level of the food industry

    The vast majority of surplus occurs before food even gets to the supermarket. Each member of the FareShare network rescues that food and delivers it to those in need. FareShare Go is our supermarket collection service, which deals with supermarket-level surplus.

    Find out more about what we do