Want to find out more about how you can get involved in supporting FareShare South West? Interested in learning a little more about how surplus food redistribution works? From info on volunteering, to financial giving, surplus stories or the impact food had on your local community – staff will be there to show you around and answer all your questions.
Warehouse tour
Our central Bristol warehouse is open on tour days between 4 and 6pm. To sign up, please choose a tour date and time by filling out the form. We’ll be in touch before the tour with a reminder and finer details.
We also particularly welcome current Food Friends and supporters to come and learn more about how their giving is making such a positive impact.
Can’t make it this time round?
If our central Bristol warehouse is hard to get to, or you can’t make the tour times on offer, please do get in touch. Jenny will be happy to arrange a tour time and place that works for you. Please email jenny.weld@faresharesouthwest.org.uk with any queries about our Food Friend scheme or warehouse open days.
We open our warehouse to prospective volunteers and Food Friends (regular givers) every quarter. If you’d like to support FareShare South West every month and receive invites to future open days you can sign up here.